- Team ID 109815
Volunteer Roles
Volunteer Roles:
2nd year Manager- Amy Ebenal
1st year Manager - Chelsea Wilker
Game Announcer/Scorekeeper: Henry Seidlitz + 1 volunteer a game (Kelly M will put the schedule together) 
Safety Person: Russ McIvor, Henry Seidlitz, Amy Johns
Parent to check locker room prior to entry - Dwyane Zacher
Social Media- Dylan Johns
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Kelly Mieyette
Meal Planning Co-ordinator - Lana Chitwood
Bus/Hotels: Marlo McIvor/Russ McIvor
Raffle: Bill Seidlitz/Henry Seidlitz
Program/Sponsorship Co-ordinator - Danielle Schneider
Music - Nathan/Natalie Haslund